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Good Aquaculture Practices
Pond Bottom Management

Proper Pond preparation and Feed management are the key factors in ensuring good pond bottom throughout the culture.

  • Pond preparation before stocking involves steps as Removal of Black soil, other aquatic animals, (unwanted weeds and animals), proper drying, correcting the pH with liming, tilling, compacting, proper establishment of diatom to avoid development of benthic algae etc.,
  • Stocking the pond should be based on the carrying capacity of the pond, previous disease history, age of the pond, reservoir and water source, Water Column height, no. of aerators available, power and generator capacity, proper drainage facilities like central drain and sludge pump,
  • Overstocking with free seeds should be avoided, as sometimes more than expected survival will become unmanageable and will challenge the capacity of the pond. In such conditions, Partial harvest is recommended to manage such situations.
  • Proper Schedule of Feeding as per chart.
  • Use of Auto-feeders, if possible.
  • Regular check tray monitoring and adjusting feed accordingly.
  • Regular chain dragging or manual removal of dead and benthic algae.
  • Periodic checking of Black spots (sites of uneaten feed and waste in Sides and center).
  • Removal of Sludge by Central drainage/Shrimp toilets. DO not dispose it directly into the creek. Maintain a sludge, (ETP - Effluent Treatment Pond) Pond to store, settle and treat it. Dispose it only at the end of the culture. This avoids introducing a Bundle of your Problems/disease back into the Common creek, on which all your neighbor farmers depend including you. Be Socially Responsible.
  • Proper Use of Water and Soil Probiotics to degrade Organic matter.
  • Proper positioning of Aerators to direct the settlement of waste as Uneaten feed, dead algae, fecal matter, to center of the pond.
Contact Us :

No : 21/10C , Bajanai Madam Street, Gugai, Salem - 636 006. Tamilnadu, India.

+91-9344837525,+91-7010696630, +91-9787196447
